My 9th most favourite movie is none other than.....(2006, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu)
I think I must've watched this movie more than a couple of times since it came out lol. The most basic summary of the story I can tell you is that the entire movie revolves around a single accidental death in a rural part of Morocco. This single death, or incident, expands the entire world and affects 4 different groups of people on 3 seperate continents, each with it's own story that eventually interwines and affects the others.
The first group/story is in Morocco, where 2 young boys cause said accident and face the consequences of their actions. The second is in, again, Morocco. It involves an American couple trying to "get away" and eventually by a freak coincidence, get involved. The 3rd takes place in Tokyo Japan. It's probably my favourite story segment of the 4 since it probably has the most heart and . It involves a young Deaf-Mute Japanese girl trying to look desperately for affection but ends up being scorned for being deaf and mute. The father of the Japanese girl is the one who becomes the catalyst of the events. The final segment takes place in the U.S.A and Mexico. The nanny of the previously mentioned American couple decides to take the children she is taking care of across the border and into Mexico where all hell breaks loose.
Probably one of the best movies I've seen in the last couple of years.The characters are deep and insightful, each has a problem to face up to and the subtle, naturalistic way their issues play out make for truly emotional movie. This is not a film about heroes, it's a film about trying to make the right choices when your back is to the wall, and the doubts that go with this. And so, if you haven't seen this movie go watch it whenever you can. I promise you won't regret it!!!
On other news...I finally finished FFXII a couple of days ago. I got that game around 2 years ago when it first came out and I've been playing it here and there sparsely but I finally got through with it after all this time. I also got through with Gurren Laggann(spelling?). I started watching it every monday on TV and decided to finsish the series just recently. I like how much action and chaos was involved but I have to admit, I could've honestly spent my time watching a new better anime.....or just re-watch Evangelion again ^_^
Auf weidersehen, till next time!!!
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