I was happy to hear that a few of the people who showed up knew how to play Tekken. I don't mind if they're not as good as I am, I just like to play people who don't just mash all day. My arcade controller was sticky from dropping sangria on it earlier that week, so I had to switch to my **** 10$ Gameshark controller or whatever it is. I still beat the guys, but I would have preferred using my stick. (no innuendo here!)
We also played some Gears of War, which I sucked at. I really need to practice moving around and aiming with a controller. I'm way too used to the mouse and keyboard. Gears of War is still an amazing game though, no doubt about that.
Now, before I start talking about Guitar Hero, I'd like to mention something. I've been a fan of the music game genre for a very long time. I believe it started with Parappa the Rapper. I also played alot of Beatmania on Gameboy, Um Jammer Lammy, a little bit of DDR during college, Stepmania, and I do own Amplitude (which is made by Harmonix, authors of the Guitar Hero series).
I had never played Guitar Hero until last Thursday, but I knew I would love it. I just can't make myself pay 100$ for one game. Regardless, a friend of mine brought the game and I got to play. I'm happy to say I played two songs at Medium difficulty and got 4 stars for each of them. Not bad for a first try, right? One of my buddies was pissed at me because when he failed I told him it shows it's the first time he plays this kind of game (this was before I played).
Afterwards, we played some Tony Hawk 3 on Gamecube, which I was okay at, but not great. I've played some Tony Hawk in my days, if you've played it you know it can be addictive. I ended up winning one round and losing one. Then my hot geeky girlfriend showed up so I stopped playing

I left my PS2 there so people could use it a bit longer, and in exchange the guy who had brought Guitar Hero II lent it to me. I played practically all day yesterday, beating all 40 songs at Medium difficulty, plus some bonus tracks too.
Long rant over, I'd just like to say that if you are still in school and have rooms with projectors (with the proper outputs), you should definitely organize a gaming gathering. It's really loads of fun and you might get some unforgettable memories out of it.
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