That's what my game time consists of until Skyrim comes out.
And maybe The Secret War if it's released before.
That's what my game time consists of until Skyrim comes out.
And maybe The Secret War if it's released before.
I've finished with GK3 for ever, bc I'm not looking to play through with those awful controls any time soon. That's not, of course, to say that it's a bad game; but this is not a review and the game being what it is, I'm not in that much of a rush to write one. Still working on GK1, or more I haven't been playing games lately, I've been working on my other interests like music, trying to sort out my iTunes while expanding my library and I've also been trying to find some books to read. Reading nowadays seems like a form of entertainment I've neglected, I guess I've succumbed to the ADD of this generation. Regardless, I will fight to keep it alive and therefore will still try to find some books to put on my iPod, or buy if I really really like it (I rarely like books enough to have copies, I have two I own that I like to reread). Next on the game list after Gabriel Knight 1 (Besides GK2, which I will play over a lot) is The Dark Eye. I watched a video of the first few minutes of gameplay and read some about it on wikipedia and the creepy claymation models and surreal environments really got my attention, the fact that it's based on E. A. Poe's works was just another draw, as by the time I read that I had already decided I wanted to play it. Also, I'm planning on going back and playing some of the Nancy Drew games, because I really do like the style of them, despite Nancy's annoying voice. That's about all I've planned out so far, as if anyone cares, so I'll update when I feel like I've gotten somewhere with my games.
I have recently been in a 90's game sort of mood, particularly point and click adventure games for the PC, and have developed a 3rd obsession (my other obsessions atm being, in this order, Tim Curry and RHPS) with the Gabriel Knight games. I'm loving these games, reading the books, and dling concept art and wallpapers, and my computer's cursor set are cursors from GK1 (fun!). After I'm quite finished with these games I'll be moving on to Phantasmagoria and maybe The Dark Eye, then I plan to play Gray Matter, certainly not a 90's game, but it was made by the creator of GK so I am looking forward to giving it a play.
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