J-Z-'s forum posts
To unlock Seth you need to :
A: Unlock (in no order, or specific difficulty setting) Rose, Fei, Gen, Sakura, Dan, Cammy,
B: Once Rose, Fei, Gen, Sakura, Dan and Cammy are unlocked... beat arcade mode (with any character, on any difficulty)
With 2 perfects before you reach Seth , no continues, or losses of any match. After you beat Seth, you will fight Akuma, beat him and he is unlocked.
C: Now you will need to unlock Gouken. Once, Rose, Fei, Gen, Sakura, Dan , Cammy AND Akuma have been unlocked...Play Arcade mode
and do the following:
-Win two rounds with a perfect before you reach Seth
-Perform 3 ultimate combo finishers before you reach Seth
-No continues, or loss of any match (if you play on more then one round)
-After you beat Seth you will fight Gouken, beat him and he will be unlocked.
D- Once you have unlocked Gouken...beat arcade mode (on any difficulty setting) with each character. Make sure you have everyone's ending in the gallery mode except for Seth's. Once arcade has been completed by each character at least once, you will have Seth Unlocked.
-Pokemon snap
-Kirby chrystal shards
Then again, I have very little experience with the gamecube and Virtual boy.
As a retro video gamer, I consider the term "old" to be a bit derogatory.
But anyway, old to me would fall under any game or system that has been outdated
by today's technology. Usually anything from the original PS and under.
Video gaming can actually benefit a couple as an activity and tool to spend time with eachother.
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