I wish they had a option for dreadlocks. I have had locks for 14 years now and I love when the option is available in character creators.
I LOVE Destiny! But I gotta agree with the haters on this one. The Iron Banner is a BS event. Nothing feels different compared to normal crucible.
This is a GREAT way to test out the classes before you commit to them in the main campaign. I can't wait for this game!!!!
@TheDarkNut Yeah your right! Besides I have never played the PC versions and I hear they are pretty different in terms of the tactical combat.
@TheDarkNut @JAHBU @Deathhawk4 No import function on the PC? So it will just be a waste of time replaying Orgins and DA2?
@Deathhawk4 @JAHBU Thanks man! I forgot about the "Keep". I guess those who played the first two games on the 360/PS3 would have to use it to make their choices matter on the PS4/Xbox One. I'll be playing them on the PC so I guess I'm fine.
Anyone know if your chooses from the previous games will carry over in this game? I'm thinking of replaying the other two games.
@thekazumalord Naw they are right. The mod turns depth of field way up making the game's background very blurry.
JAHBU's comments