@BLaverock Are people stupid? Do they really think they get enough content to justify $15 per month? You get a couple quests/items/whatever every few months. If the game was free to play, would you pay an extra $60 every 4 months for a handful of quests? Remember these aren't full expansions, these are small updates. Bug fixes/balance are expected with every game release, and server costs are negligible now.
They do this because they know brainless fanboys will defend them to the death over their "costs". I do not have a problem with a game being subscription based, but $15 is stupid, $5 would be a lot more reasonable (and still overpriced, based on the content you get).
However trying to reason to idiot fanboys is pointless. So enjoy overpaying for this, this game will set a new record for fastest drop to F2P, because of the huge failure it will be on consoles.
@Emerald_Scott @Yomigaeru Stupid? Possibly. Extorted? Definitely When they put content that you only get from pre ordering you have to decide whether to take the risk, pay more for it later, or play with an incomplete game..
@Emerald_Scott @musalala Considering the last games have been TOR, DA2, and ME3, Bioware needs to prove they actually care about making games decent rather than just rushing something out.
Mind of Republican: Guns are a symbol of freedom, guess we can do away with that silly old flag then and just salute guns.
BTW, life liberty and pursuit of happiness does not say guns, so quoting it was ridiculous. The 2nd amendment wasn't written to protect American's right to go hunting, or shoot targets. It was written before there was a standing army, and one thing we DO know for sure is that the founding fathers knew they didn't have all the answers (this is why they didn't mention anything about stem cell research), so if Americans decide to change the law, it doesn't matter what the 2nd amendment says, because it was written to be changed.
Go crawl into your bunker, it's the end of the world, gotta keep safe from all those unpatriotic libbies trying to take your guns.
@emperiox You got that right, God himself came down and gave you this country so that you could have guns and stop abortions and make sure them gays never get married!
However, your comment doesn't make sense. So because of fireworks, and a car assembly line, guns are an integral part of America? How inbred are you?
For someone who is so proud to be a patriot, you seem to hate your country and the "unpatriotic" liberal MAJORITY who are making the laws. I think someone who claims to be a patriot would accept the fact that his personal ideals don't dictate law.
@buccomatic I doubt it, there are plenty of studies done to show violent video games are not the cause of these things. However it could end up the same as cannabis where they just keep repeating the study until they get the result they want.
@Cowboy-Bebop We're about 20 million school shootings short, since video games forces people to go on shooting sprees. The studies have been done, video games were shown to have a negligible effect on children being violent.
@Fastnova00007 @chibi-acer They tried that in the Wild West, people still got shot. Nor do I want to live in a country where running a yellow light when someone is trying to make a turn is liable to get me shot.
Giving teachers/principals guns and saying "protect your school" is absurd. An untrained (and even if they were required to attend some minor training) person trying to be a hero will just as likely do more harm then good. Not to mention how many accidents could happen if weapons were not secured properly.
NRA is just throwing every excuse they got and hoping something will stick. There have been numerous studies on the effects of video games on kids and they all found that there is no connection between video games and shootings.
JASAEric's comments