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JBrookbank Blog


With E3 underway, I have finally seen what I have been waiting for...the new Zelda being played on Wii and a trailer for Halo 3...I'm amazed.


I walked into my local EB wanting to pre-order a Wii.  When I asked to pre-order it, one employee responded with a "What?!?" while his co-worker, a female, responded with, "Oh, he's talking about the Revolution."  She then looked at me and said, "I don't recognize the name change, I think it's stupid," or something along those lines.  Got to love the employees at my EB, and I'm not being sarcastic.

Blogs are fun!

I had to work today, after I went to school.  Then I went and checked out my room in my new house.  It's nice, I like it.

First post...

I figured that since I've had a profile for a few weeks and that I had just posted my first review on Earthbound that I would make my first blog post, too. So, that's what this is.