JC346's's Gamespot Rank
JC346's Emblems
Public Access
Public Access For successfully posting a user video. You're on the air! Don't waste it!
Virtually There: E3 2007 Nintendo Conference
Virtually There: E3 2007 Nintendo Conference. Awarded for waking up early/ditching work to tune into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2007 Nintendo press conference on Wednesday, July 11.
Readers' Choice 2007 Chooser
Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards. In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."
Virtually There: E3 2008 Sony Conference
Virtually There: E3 2008 Sony Conference For tuning into GameSpot's live broadcast of the E3 2008 Sony press conference on Tuesday, July 15.
Greatest Game Villain Bouncer
Because we can't just let anyone in. This user voted in the All Time Greatest Game Villain wild card round to help determine the final ten villains to join the battle royale.
Greatest Game Villain Henchman
Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere. These loyal minions created a bracket to guess at who is the most vile of them all. Let's hope they don't get caught betting against their overlords!
E3 2012 Connoisseur of the Arts
E3 is about a lot of things (exhaustion, hot dogs, etc.) but if you can boil it down to its absolute purest form, it's a about the art. So that's why this viewer tuned into GameSpot's live stage show--so they could see the art live as it happened.
E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 3
Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day three of E3.
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