First off, I think Nintendo is going to make the nub a permanent addition (new 3DS in mid 2012). Second, Nintendo did more than botch the 3DS launch, they're refusing to release games like Fatal Frame 4 (they have the rights in America), Xenoblade Chonicles (despite it already being localized into English), and The Last Story (Headed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy). I mean, how does this instill confidence in the hardcore players? I'm really worried about you, Nintendo (especially NOA).
I'm going to be at E3, and I hope to not see the GSpot editors at the Nintendo booth, because, you know, it's just DS with 3D graphics. If these "gut reactions" are always this poorly done, I feel sorry for your readers.
Most of you editors don't seem to be aware that this is supposedly the successor to the DS, rumored to have graphics of Gamecube-like quality, motion controls, a 3D joystick (whatever that means), and maybe even feedback (vibration etc.). Now, we don't fully know what's going to happen with this 3DS, but I think you guys need to slow down your gut reactions by a day, so you don't all talk about nothing and sound ignorant, because that's exactly what most of you have done.
There are too many good games coming out. I REALLY hope the publishers and developers realize this and space the releases well. Otherwise, there will be a lot of losers this christmas. We gamers only have so much money and time. I'm looking forward to seeing the main games Nintendo will reveal, especially considering we don't know what they are at all, and they might show a new Wii Zelda with motion + controls. I will freak out if they show it and it looks good.
JCDenton's comments