@gamefreak215jd As far as I'm aware, each eye "captures" its own image. These two separate 2D images are sent to the brain, which processes the images and combines them to form a single 3D image. Try it out yourself: Close one eye and you will lose the sense of 3D.
"...you may need to do a bit of searching on the server list to find games friends have created." No, not really. There is a "Friends Only" filter for the server list. Check the box and refresh the list and only friends' games are listed.
I've been beta testing Ghost Recon Online, and I should tell you all to try it out once it hits open beta. It's definitely worth a try, at the very least.
You guys need to calm down. Like everything else on the site, some will find it useful, some won't. If you don't find it useful, don't insult people who do.
1.) Tetris DS (DS) - I've never played the game, but I do love Tetris. 2.) Civilization IV (PC) - For the obvious reason: You lose track of time playing it. 3.) Solitaire (PC) - A very oldie, but a very goodie. If I could squeeze in Spider Solitaire and Free Cell into number 3, I definitely would. 4.) The Sims 2 (PC) - It's never the same game twice. 5.) Final Fantasy X (PS2) - I haven't finished it and I loved the gameplay. I could play that underwater soccer (what was it called?) 22 hours a day, 6 days a week.
JDCAce55's comments