A couple of weeks ago my best friend & I decided to get a place together where we could crash after partying on weekends. We both live 1.5- 2 hours out of the city & it takes longer getting home from clubbing after 3am & taking a cab is very very expensive. My boss called me today & informed me of our new office location & my new place is only a 20 minute walk or 5 minute drive to my job instead of a 60 minute drive or 90 minutes using mass transit from my other place. We've been in the process of "moving" since Friday & yesterday I finally got everything I wanted in the new place (I think) but decided to go back to see if there was anything else I wanted to bring. So I go back today (got my router, a couple more suits & my tool set) & just when I'm about to leave UPS shows up with my 320gb hard drive for my PS3 & I'm giddy as a school girl. I decided to go to Best Buy to get KZ2 but Game Stop was right across the street so I went to see if they had a used one. This kid was trying to sell his KZ2 but GS was only trying to give him $27 so I offered him $50, saved $15. I think I could have got it for $40 but I felt bad for him. So when I get to the new place I decided to call Time Warner so I could make an appointment to get cable & stop stealing my neighbor's internet. I get an appointment for the next day! WTF!!! That never happens but luckily for me somebody cancelled their appointment & it was in the same area as me. I think I'ma go play lotto when I go back out.
JD_from_da_80s Blog
I Finally Reached 1,000 Posts!!!
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
When: December 30th, 2008 @ 4:33pm EST
Where: PS3 The Real Next Generation Union: Introduce Yourself Thread
What Was Posted:
[Quote="dj_C4"]Also let the officers know what you like, don't like and want to see more of on the home page.JD_from_da_80s
Speak for yourself buddy. Look at my pic, that's an ax in my hand. Am I the kind of person you wanna be AXing questions? Matter of fact do you wanna ask a ninja with 1 RED EYE questions? (kidding, kind of)
Welcome newbs. Don't let your resolutions of playing less games & spending more time with your family stop you from posting here, we're like family too, you know, the family you never acknowledge
Thanks to everybody that was basically my "starting point" which allowed me to get to this epic moment. Special thanks to DJ_C4 (he's the ninja) If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have even noticed that I made 1,000 posts. See y'all again at 5,000!!!
Game Spot UK Writer Guy C0cker Credibility in Question
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
Friday my cuz got a code for the KZ2 beta so you know I was over there most of this weekend. The same day Guy C0cker, a writer for GS UK gave, his impressions of the beta but don't bother reading it. Ian, the leader of the "PS3 The Real Next Gen", posted this.Â
Guy said
but there are certainly no physics-based money shots such as deformable scenery or movable objects.GamespotÂ
He also put these images up to show that there is in fact deformable scenery.Â
I've played the beta, let me tell you first hand, almost everything is destructible, boxes, tables, items on the tables, pillars, books & bookcases (as you saw in the video) chairs, you can shoot the flags, tires, walls & there's interaction. There may not be as much as in other games such as Stranglehold or as I heard, Gears 2 but to say there's no deformable scerery is dead wrong. Since then, the quoted text has been removed from his review. If you've played the beta there are two things you HAVE TO notice. The first is how good this game looks. Seriously, it's so polished it looks better than R2. How he failed to mention this is beyond me. Even if he wasn't impressed with the graphics, the simple fact of the matter is in most reviews graphics are mentioned one way or another. IMO they look awesome. Even when I watch low res video online I think this game looks good. The second is how the pillars crumble in front of you when getting shot at, or when you shoot them, or when a grenade explodes next to it or how a table breaks when you shoot it (which I've done over & over again :D) You can not play this game & ignore those two facts unless you have the misfortune of playing on a SDTV & there for the game may look funny on your TV or you didn't play the beta. Which catagory do you fall under Guy?
So rather than correct his mistake & state that there's a considerable amount of destructible items in MP, he deletes the above quote. WTF??!!?? This leads me to believe he barely played it or didn't play the beta at all. Seriously everything he wrote in his review you can find on the KZ website (game modes, weapons, klassess, etc) For a long time people have questioned GS's credibility & this incident will only make people question it even more.Â
As I said in other forums & posts, when I buy a game it's not on the recommendation of a reviewer. I bought Lost even though every site said it was crap (which it is) I didn't jump on the LBP bandwagon even though every site said it's one of the best games they ever (which it is) I'm a fan of Lost & I bought it. I did my research on LBP, liked what I saw so I bought it. But there are people out there that read reviews to help with their game buying decisions. There's nothing wrong with that, especially with the amount of games coming out & with the way the economy is you want to make sure you get your money's worth. Don't flat out lie or misinform people about a game that you supposedly played.
Ever Played a Game So Good You Hated Playing It?
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
I've never played a game that good until recently. I've played games that were so good I hated to see them end & games I hated to lend out in fear I'll never see it again (I miss you Heavenly Sword) but never a game so good I said to myself "I'm never gonna play it again" Well on 10/14 I bought that game, on 10/29 I was finally given permission to play (long story) & by 10/30 I put Dead Space in The Closet of Forgotten Games. I've been playing Little Big Planet (with a dash of R2) ever since. I literally stopped playing a few minutes ago just to blog about how much I hate this game.
This game is really good, a little too good, so good it scares the crap outta me. I'm not talking those little cheap scares that were in RE4 or in these crap "horror movies" nowadays (although there are cheap scares in the game). I'm talking scared like when I first saw The Exorcist, when I was 4. The lighting, the sound (I refuse to play this game with the surround sound system on & the lights off) the overall atmosphere is top quality. When I last played the game (10/30), all I had to do was go in the tram in order to advance to Ch. 3, I was too scared to do it (dam surround sound) Today (11/7) I finally did it, nothing happened & I was rewarded with a trophy Do you know how much of a wuss I felt like?
What makes this game scary? (May have spoilers)
You don't pause to go into inventory, to read logs, to watch video recordings, to upgrade your weapons, to look at the map, to heal yourself, nothing. So while you're doing all this, you still hear the aliens moving about. Unlike other games where you can pause to do all of the above (MSG4, RE4) there's none of that crap here. I know games are scripted & you're attacked when you reach a certain point & more than likely you won't get attacked while you're reading a log or upgrading your weapons but the developers sure make it feel like you can be, which really makes you feel vulnerable.
You have to dismember these bad boys. Guess what, dismembering their heads won't kill them, headshots don't work. When was the last time you played a survival horror game & that didn't work? And even after you shoot off they're legs, they still come after you with different attacks. Not only that, they play dead. WTF!!!
You can't upgrade your weapons to the point where you feel invincible (as far as I know, I just started Ch 3 but I hope not) Remember how you felt playing RE4 when upgraded your weapons? Or when you got the rocket launcher & you felt totally bad ass? Forget all that. First of all you need nodes (plural) to upgrade your weapons, there's like one per chapter. If by chance you have multiple nodes, you have to decide whether you want to upgrade the speed, capacity or damage. Upgrading the damage may take 3 nodes & 2 for speed. Thing is they're so scarce, you're sitting there with 1. I'm always second guessing myself, not knowing where to place a node. Not that it matters cuz I don't have enough for a full upgrade anyway. This really adds to the tension of the game. I highly doubt you can max out a weapon even if you collect all the nodes, which is awesome.
You never know where the aliens are coming from. They come from the ceiling, the floor, the vents, from dead bodies & like a said before, they play dead. I know what you're thinking, just shoot the "dead" bodies, only problem with that is the lack of ammo. And they don't always come from dead bodies or play dead so do you really want to waste that ammo on a body that's not coming back?
I lied in the first paragraph when I said I stopped playing to blog about this game. I stopped playing because I got scared again. I turned the corner, heard some ungodly sound & paused the game. I was thinking do I really want to find out what that was & the answer was no, I'd rather get frustrated with the level I'm trying to create on LBP. Am I the only one that feels this way about this game? I really hope not. I hope I'm not the only person that plays this game before it gets dark, with the lights on & pauses it every now & then to regain their composure.
So basically I hate playing this game because it's an excellent survival horror game, despite it repetitiveness. It did 1/2 it's job which was to scare me but failed at the other half which was to keep me playing. If it wasn't for the trophies I don't think I could finish this game. Thing is I don't scare easy, I love horror movies, books & games but this one is on a whole different level. Back to LBP!!!
Everybody Else Has One, Question Is, Does PS Need One?
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
Sega has Sonic, Nintendo has Mario, Xbox has Master Chief, even the Turbografx-16 has Bonk. Who does my beloved PS has?
Spyro? Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away...
Crash? He was bringing it to Plummer Boy but eventually even he went to where the money is.
Jax & Daxter? When's the last time you saw them?
Rachet & Clank? Maybe but Clank is too much of a killjoy
Snake? He has a love/hate thing with Nintendo.
Kratos? Best option out of all of them but when I think of him I think of mass murderer. I don't want to think mascot (or Hot Shots Golf,wtf)
Every successful modern video gaming system has had a mascot & a defining game or game series, except for the PS. Ask 10 random gamers who should be the mascot for PS & you'll probably won't get the same character more than 5 times. Ask them about Xbox, Sega or Nintendo, the answer is going to be pretty obvious. Not only that, in the gaming world a mascot is based on exclusiveness, popularity, longevity & it's ability to move systems. Which PS game has all 4 of those attributes?
Personally, I don't see a problem with that. What's wrong with having a library so large, so diverse that you won't get a uniform answer as to what character defines the PS? So what we don't have a mascot, I don't want to see Kratos in a go kart anyway. (Looking at you Master Chief) Nope, the PS doesn't need a mascot, they've been kicking ass & taking names for over 10 years without one. PS doesn't have to rely on a mascot to sell systems.
Then Sony went & introduced us to Sackboy (or is it introduced Sackboy to us?)
Since Little Big Planet was announced, the world has gone into a Sackboy frenzy. Then rumors about Sackboy being PS's mascot started flying. Tears of joy fell from the heavens, life size Sackboys were being made (I know there's some people out there that can't wait until Halloween) t-shirts were printed, websites were created, custom box art was being published on the web and people started planning levels months in advance. It's being called the game of the year & nobody played it yet. I didn't understand it. People were going crazy over a childish, cute character that was able to make its own side scrolling level. My thoughts? "A side scroller, WTF. Maybe I'm narrow minded, ignorant, a Xbox fanboy in disguise. What's the appeal to this game, to this character? This is a child's game, with a childish character. What was up with that stupid skateboard & volleyball that's in every video? And they're making a mockery of Kartos & Nariko"
Then I realized, this is a video game, not every game has to be a CoD or a GTA. Besides, I have Lego Indy in my closet, can't get more "childish" than that. So I searched the web & found a lot of cool stuff. The more I read & the less I saw that damned skateboard & volleyball, the more I started to like LBP & Sackboy. This game wasn't childish at all. This game is a techy's wet dream. I went from having no interest to picking this up the week it drops. OK so I greatly "misunderestimated" the game (so far) but the question remains "Does PS need a mascot & should it be Sackboy?"
Actually, Sackboy would be the perfect Mascot. Sony is probably only thinking in terms of marketability, likability & mass appeal. There is more to Sackboy & LBP than that. The truth is LBP is the PS3. Revolutionary, innovative, customizable, unproven hype surrounding it, a lot of untapped potential, you can be anyone you want to be (so the Kratos & Nariko costumes make sense & introduces the characters to people who might not know them) & they're both extremely powerful.
Despite all of that, I don't think PS needs a mascot but I wouldn't mind if they made him into one. I just hope LBP lives up to the hype.
Closet of Forgotten Games
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
I have a problem. It's not a real problem like drinking or shooting at animals with my BB gun, I've outgrown those. Today I was looking in my closet for the case to Warhawk & noticed that I got a lot of games that I haven't played, EVER!!! It wouldn't be as bad if these were only last generation games but there are also current gen games just collecting dust. These aren't run of the mill "oh hum" games that recieve medocore reviews, most of these games are good. What games you ask? MGS4, Dark Sector, Lego Indiana Jones (still in shrink wrap), Splinter Cell: Double Agent. As for my PS2 games, Ace Combat 4 & 5, Beyond Good & Evil, Gun, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Transformers (not the 1 based on the movie)
The list of games I never finished is worse. I never finished Max Payne, PoP: The 2 Thrones, Assassin's Creed, Mercenaries, any of the Hitman games, Destroy All Humans, Everything or Nothing, The Darkness, Moto Storm (never played it online either)
I've thought about the reasons why I never finish or in some cases, start my games. I don't think I'm really a gamer, at least not the way I was about 15 years ago. I remember I didn't get the orginal PS until the Christmas of 95. It seemed all my other friends had that or either a Saturn & I was still blowing into my Sega cartridges. When I finally got it I promised myself that when I got older I would always get new games or the new gaming system at least a month after it dropped. I stayed upstairs for hours playing my games. I was upstairs so much I put a couch in my bedroom so my friends could chill with me in my room so we could play.
So far I've kept that promise to myself. But now I can't seem to finish most games I buy. I can't blame lack of time. I finished Rachet & Clank in about 3 weeks, finished Heavenly Sword & CoD4 in less than a week each. When I finally got around to MSG3 I finished that in about a month. I remember when GoW2 dropped, I barely started GoW1 so I played & finished it in about a week. (Ok so I had the flu when GoW2 dropped so I was able to finish GoW1 in a short period of time) If you look at my PS3 gamercard, you'd think all I do is play games. I've ran through Uncharted at leaast 3 times & have been playing Warhawk faithfully since I got it last week. I think games don't hold my attention the way they used to. Maybe I get more excited about owning games than I do actually playing them. I can't call it but I do know that one day I will finish all my games. When that day comes, I can focus on my Shelf of Forgotten Movies
Why Did I Wait So Long to Play MGS3: Subsistence?
by JD_from_da_80s on Comments
So I just finished MGS3: Subsistence & I want to kick myself for waiting so long to play it, especially since I bought it the day it came out. I actually had Snake Eater since day 1 but stopped playing right after I crossed the 1st bridge because I hated the camera angle. When I heard that they was remaking the game with a better camera angle & online play I sold Snake Eater.
When I finally got Subsistence I threw it in my closet & forgot about it (as I do with many of my games) I guess I was so put off by Snake Eater I just wasn't interested. I went back to playing RE4 (which is another game I'm upset about waiting to play) & ran through that at least 10 times. Then my best friend returned Burnout Revenge to me so I played that everyday literally for about a year. Then GoW2 came out & I realized after I bought it I didn't finish part 1 so I had to finish that (which took forever) & I ran through part 2 at least 4 times. Then I found Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Indigo Prophecy, Star Wars Battlefield & Beyond Good & Evil (which I never played) on sale for $20 each. The list of excuses just goes on & on. Not only that MGS3 started off really slow to me. Too much sneaking, not enough action & as you can see, I played a lot of action games.
I started Subsistence 2 weeks after I bought MGS4 & didn't play another game since. I finally beat the game & now I'm trying to go through the game with killing as little enemies as possible to see what happens with my boss fight with The Sorrow. I want to start MGS4 but since school starts 2moro for me I don't want be addicted to the game & miss any days. I missed a couple of days when San Andres came out (why would they have a game of such epic proportions come out in October) & I haven't matured much since then.
Don't ask if playing a game is more important than graduating from college because you'll get an answer most parents will be disappointed with & that I'll regret next semester. See you in December MGS4, when the semester is over
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