I've never played a game that good until recently. I've played games that were so good I hated to see them end & games I hated to lend out in fear I'll never see it again (I miss you Heavenly Sword) but never a game so good I said to myself "I'm never gonna play it again" Well on 10/14 I bought that game, on 10/29 I was finally given permission to play (long story) & by 10/30 I put Dead Space in The Closet of Forgotten Games. I've been playing Little Big Planet (with a dash of R2) ever since. I literally stopped playing a few minutes ago just to blog about how much I hate this game.
This game is really good, a little too good, so good it scares the crap outta me. I'm not talking those little cheap scares that were in RE4 or in these crap "horror movies" nowadays (although there are cheap scares in the game). I'm talking scared like when I first saw The Exorcist, when I was 4. The lighting, the sound (I refuse to play this game with the surround sound system on & the lights off) the overall atmosphere is top quality. When I last played the game (10/30), all I had to do was go in the tram in order to advance to Ch. 3, I was too scared to do it (dam surround sound) Today (11/7) I finally did it, nothing happened & I was rewarded with a trophy Do you know how much of a wuss I felt like?
What makes this game scary? (May have spoilers)
You don't pause to go into inventory, to read logs, to watch video recordings, to upgrade your weapons, to look at the map, to heal yourself, nothing. So while you're doing all this, you still hear the aliens moving about. Unlike other games where you can pause to do all of the above (MSG4, RE4) there's none of that crap here. I know games are scripted & you're attacked when you reach a certain point & more than likely you won't get attacked while you're reading a log or upgrading your weapons but the developers sure make it feel like you can be, which really makes you feel vulnerable.
You have to dismember these bad boys. Guess what, dismembering their heads won't kill them, headshots don't work. When was the last time you played a survival horror game & that didn't work? And even after you shoot off they're legs, they still come after you with different attacks. Not only that, they play dead. WTF!!!
You can't upgrade your weapons to the point where you feel invincible (as far as I know, I just started Ch 3 but I hope not) Remember how you felt playing RE4 when upgraded your weapons? Or when you got the rocket launcher & you felt totally bad ass? Forget all that. First of all you need nodes (plural) to upgrade your weapons, there's like one per chapter. If by chance you have multiple nodes, you have to decide whether you want to upgrade the speed, capacity or damage. Upgrading the damage may take 3 nodes & 2 for speed. Thing is they're so scarce, you're sitting there with 1. I'm always second guessing myself, not knowing where to place a node. Not that it matters cuz I don't have enough for a full upgrade anyway. This really adds to the tension of the game. I highly doubt you can max out a weapon even if you collect all the nodes, which is awesome.
You never know where the aliens are coming from. They come from the ceiling, the floor, the vents, from dead bodies & like a said before, they play dead. I know what you're thinking, just shoot the "dead" bodies, only problem with that is the lack of ammo. And they don't always come from dead bodies or play dead so do you really want to waste that ammo on a body that's not coming back?
I lied in the first paragraph when I said I stopped playing to blog about this game. I stopped playing because I got scared again. I turned the corner, heard some ungodly sound & paused the game. I was thinking do I really want to find out what that was & the answer was no, I'd rather get frustrated with the level I'm trying to create on LBP. Am I the only one that feels this way about this game? I really hope not. I hope I'm not the only person that plays this game before it gets dark, with the lights on & pauses it every now & then to regain their composure.
So basically I hate playing this game because it's an excellent survival horror game, despite it repetitiveness. It did 1/2 it's job which was to scare me but failed at the other half which was to keep me playing. If it wasn't for the trophies I don't think I could finish this game. Thing is I don't scare easy, I love horror movies, books & games but this one is on a whole different level. Back to LBP!!!