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Why Did I Wait So Long to Play MGS3: Subsistence?

So I just finished MGS3: Subsistence & I want to kick myself for waiting so long to play it, especially since I bought it the day it came out. I actually had Snake Eater since day 1 but stopped playing right after I crossed the 1st bridge because I hated the camera angle. When I heard that they was remaking the game with a better camera angle & online play I sold Snake Eater.

When I finally got Subsistence I threw it in my closet & forgot about it (as I do with many of my games) I guess I was so put off by Snake Eater I just wasn't interested. I went back to playing RE4 (which is another game I'm upset about waiting to play) & ran through that at least 10 times. Then my best friend returned Burnout Revenge to me so I played that everyday literally for about a year. Then GoW2 came out & I realized after I bought it I didn't finish part 1 so I had to finish that (which took forever) & I ran through part 2 at least 4 times. Then I found Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Indigo Prophecy, Star Wars Battlefield & Beyond Good & Evil (which I never played) on sale for $20 each. The list of excuses just goes on & on. Not only that MGS3 started off really slow to me. Too much sneaking, not enough action & as you can see, I played a lot of action games.

I started Subsistence 2 weeks after I bought MGS4 & didn't play another game since. I finally beat the game & now I'm trying to go through the game with killing as little enemies as possible to see what happens with my boss fight with The Sorrow. I want to start MGS4 but since school starts 2moro for me I don't want be addicted to the game & miss any days. I missed a couple of days when San Andres came out (why would they have a game of such epic proportions come out in October) & I haven't matured much since then.

Don't ask if playing a game is more important than graduating from college because you'll get an answer most parents will be disappointed with & that I'll regret next semester. See you in December MGS4, when the semester is over