Ok im a huge PC gamer so i tought to start my first blog post on gamespot with a nice top 10 pc games played by me, games realeased in 2009...so here i go:
#10 Fifa 2010 - i am a huge fifa series fan and i couldn't let this game out of my top 10 wich i think that gets better year after year
#9 Section 8 - I bought this game after i saw the trailer on gamespot and i really had fun playing the game even though im not very much into sci-fi fpshooters..but this one made an exception
#8 Trine Very fun and interactive game, way better then i tought that it will be
#7 Need For Speed Shift well...you may call me an EA fan...but beside fifa series i also love nfs series...and this was another EA masterpiece...add a steering wheel and u have a dose of fun
#6 Wolfenstein When i first played Return to castle Wolfenstein i was amazed....then i tried Wolfenstein and again...amazing game with lot of shooting
#5 Street Fighter 4 I played this game so much and i was never get bored...also is my favorite when it comes to play with friends...brings back lot of memories
#4 King's Bounty A very colorfull game with addicting gameplay wich will make u sit in front of your PC fooooooor a long time....and in my opinon way better then Heroes V
#3 Dirt 2 By far the best driving game in 2009 and the best rally game ever...the graphic details are amazing, many cars to choose from and a long but not boring career
#2 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 In my opinion the best first person shooter made in 2009 wich offers high quality fun and a great multiplayer experience....defenatly a game who was worth waiting for
#1 Dragon Age Well yes ladies and gentelmen....this is my favorite game of 2009..beside the fact that i am a huge fan of RPG games..this one really amazed me with it's gameplay and orginality....doesn't look like any other RPG and also is very fun to play coz it isn't very difficult..
P.S.: i am waiting u guyz wit your version of top 10..and don't do drugs :P