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2.4 Update

Yes, it's here. The 2.4 Firmware update for PSN. It added XMB and trophies. Unfortunately, it all feels half done. I know we weren't told we'd get private chat, but they did say in game communication, which could mean anything. There only seems to be one game that supports trophies currently, and I feel Sony should have gotten at least a few developers in on some sort of deal to release the patch that adds trophies to their game at the same time as the update.

While the in game XMB is useful, it's very limited. You can't use the internet, only a couple of system settings can be changed during gameplay, custom soundtracks require a patch, the list goes on. Had Sony gotten some of the developers for the big games out right now (MGS4, GTA4, etc) and given them a heads up to make this stuff and patch it in at the same time as the update or even earlier so we wouldn't have to wait as long, this update would have been much, much better.


The new Futurama movie, The Beast with a Billion Backs, comes out tomorrow. I love Futurama, best animated TV show ever, and I can't wait for the new movie.

Last Gen

So I got out the old Xbox and put in Time Splitters: Future Perfect. Time Splitters is my favorite FPS series ever. Too bad they haven't added the Timesplitters game to the BC list on the 360 yet. :(

Anyways, I've decided to make a list of my top 5 favorite games from last gen.

1. Time Splitters Series

2. Guitar Hero

3. Tales of Symphonia

4. Pikmin 2

5. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Well, there it is. My top five from last gen.

Also, some new Spore creatures.




Firefox 3.0

Well, Firefox version 3 has been out for about 3 days now; and after messing around with it and seeing all the new features and changes, I'm impressed. They've improved all of the features I thought could use some improvement. The new history bar interface, the most visited sites, the new download manager, all have had changes for the better. Good job, Firefox, good job.

MGO Tips

1. Link up, linking up with other players at the start of a round or when you're near more than 1 other player is beneficial to knowing who to help and where. The SOP system tells you whether a teammate is dead or knocked out, very helpful in a team based game.

2. In objective based games, knocking enemies out is more efficient than killing them. Unless you're playing in an elimination based game where if you die you're out, always try to go for a knockout.

3. If your teammate is knocked out or in the middle of being CQCed, help him out!

4. Always go for headshots, heashots, no matter what weapon you use (as long as it doesn't use tranquilizer rounds) is a one shot kill.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Well, I've finished MGS4 and I've gotta say it's easily in my top 5 favorite games. The story is amazing and the gameplay is superb. The only problem I had with it was that the bosses were a bit easy, but I wasn't playing on one of the harder difficulties. 9.5/10 from me.

MGS4 Out Tomorrow

Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out tomorrow, I've got it preordered, and after playing the MGO beta I can't wait to see the full game.


Alright, my first post is going to be a rant.

I was surfing through the system wars board and I saw a ton of fanboyism. It's stupid. Why can't people be happy with the console they have, and if they aren't, get the other. The arguments aren't even good. All the fanboys have the same argument for hating a console. Usually to do with system problems or features. Here are the basic arguments I see against each console:

X360: Red Ring of Death

Wii: Sucky graphics + not made for hardcore gamers

PS3: Expensive paperweight with no games

These arguments are all exagerrations. The RROD has a much lower chance of happening than at the beginning of the 360's life, and Microsoft has been working on fixing the problem. The Wii might not have the best graphics, but they aren't that bad, it's up to the developer to work with what they have; and while the Wii may be more geared towards the casual gamers, the Wii still has a decent sized lineup of games either out or coming out for the hardcore gamer.. The PS3 may not have a big line up now, but it's got several games lined up for the next couple of years to make it a good contender with the 360.

In conclusion, fanboys are just a bunch of kids who either can't afford more consoles and regret it or don't want to because they think they owe their loyalty to one company or the other.