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JF-WiiBox58 Blog

My Demeber 17th 2006: Wii-less after 5 stores

Well, this weekend was another failed try at snagging a Wii. Got to Best Buy an hour early and they were turning people away. Then i drove around the shopping center and got to Target and they had given out tickets already. So me and my dad decided we would try Toysrus instead, as we were walking to the line the guys came out to give away tickets. They stopped halfway back the line leaving me and my cousin (we ran in to him there) Wii-less. Then we tried KMart just to be told they didnt get any. So on the way home my dad talked about how "nintendo should have released the thing earlier" and "if they wanted, they could have enough out". I just let him say what he wanted. So, this christmas is looking like I'm gonna get money to buy the Wii later :wink: