Also IMO I think the order of best MK game to the least would be: 1. MK64 2. MKWii 3. MKDS 4. SMK 5. MKDD I've never actually played MK for GBA so I don't know how it is. MKDD was fun, but I wasn't that impressed with it. SMK is great because when it came out, it was the first in the series and I couldn't put it down! Over all, the MK series is one of my all time favorites!
@ Outer_Raven: Donkey Kong is my favorite! He was the lighter of the heavy characters, so he had a good top speed and still could bump a lighter character out of the way with ease!
In all honesty, I didn't think SMG looked any better than SMS in the screenshots. Boy was I wrong. I've been playing SMG and it is truly incredible! The graphics dwarf SMS in every aspect of the game! You have to play SMG in order to see the difference!!
I'm as happy as can be!! I've owned Nintendo stock since the early 1990's and have been raking in the money ever since! On another note, why is everyone freaking out over the whole "Mario Factory" thing?? Maxxorz is right and besides, who cares what they call it!!!
I agree with all the posters that said, "It's about freaking time!" HL is the best FPS i've played to date. I have never been so excited to play a PC game, ever! The game actually did make you feel you were the one swinging the crowbar. Me especially because my real last name is Freeman! So when I would see "Die, Freeman, Die" tagged on the wall by the marines it took my game experience to a whole new level! I will never forget this game and it will forever remain in my collection!
LOL!! The NES spring loader brings back frustrating but funny memories! I found out the perfect technique to get the games to work! I just wedged a butter knife in the left corner and it worked everytime!!
JFreezy02's comments