Is Super Smash bros for 3ds out or is it still a work in progress?
JGlascock Blog
Flipnotes Studio for 3ds
by JGlascock on Comments
Coming in May 31 Flipnte Studio will be out for 3ds, and with that they will be shutting down the Hatena website, and all hatena accounts, other hatena services will be available,but the flipnote web page and the dsi cersin of flipnotes world wide will be shut down , but you can still use the app on your dsi.
Metal Gear solid 3 3 ds
by JGlascock on Comments
Still playing it, and going for whale rank, does anyone know where to find all of the plants and animals?, I have found 40, are there more? PLEASE RESPOND
Metal gear solid snake eater 3ds
by JGlascock on Comments
Is there a 3ds code on MGS 3d to see where The End is located on the map, and how do you defeat Volgin within the time frame with tranqs to get his uniform?
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