I agree with Chocloate1325, MGS3 has a great ending, sad but beautifully tragic, and The Ocarina of time had a great ending too I have both of those games for 3ds, and Snake Eater is my favorite of all!
@Padaman @JGlascock do you have to put it on pause, a different screen or what, because if the game isnt paused, it just makes snake move up and down, switch his weapons, and items, and thats it, but I do have a tutorial on YouTube on how to find The End (JGlascock100 on youTube).
I tried using the Yoshi guide on gamefaqs.com it was useful, but the Yoshis on the runway during the chase are hard to hit, as is the one at the end when you fight the boss. They are hard to see, let alone hit! I got all Yoshis yp to that point, and gave up, for me that kind of ruins the fun of the game.
@Padaman @JGlascock will this work on the 3ds?, if so I will try it, next run through, right now I have killed him early and heading to the Grannin lab on a Yoshi search run.
I am tryng to get the "whale" rank and capture all 48 animals, but can only get 45-47, can anyone help?, I need to know what all the animals are and where to find them?
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