Its hard to find many people around these days that are austrailian XBox owners.... i guess im probaly nt lookin in the right place..... it would be good to start a union for us... or if there is a union id like to join... so leave ur details or add me or start up a union and even though we are greatly out number we can band together and become strong....JHacKSaw
JHacKSaw's forum posts
Im counting down the day till it comes out! Iv finsihed the first 2 when i was younger.... i was so angry when they banded it but its all good now... is was just wondering what kind of character i should be.... in the old ones i was and agile guy good a small waepons... but i dunno if thats going to work in the new 1? Ow and i hope the storys good.... the old ones had great stories...
avatars are cool.... i want a litte cole to call my own
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