1. Short Introduction: WASSUP!?
2. GS Name: JHardy457
3. Real Name: Zeke
4. Position In FFE: Recruit
5. Gender: Male
6. Date of Birth: April 20, 1993
7. Place of Birth: Williamsburg, Virginia
8. Height: 6'0
9. Weight (jk): 187
10. Ethnicity: Caucasion
11. Current Location of Residence: Williamsburg, Virginia
12. Religion: Christian
13. Job: Gamer
14. Personality: Shy at first but later more outgoing
15, Habits/Mannerisms; Tend to fidget a lot
16. Girl/Boy Friends: 3 Ex-girlfriends
17. Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Kindness
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Controlling types
20. Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS3
21. How Long Have You Played Games: Since I was 2
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: 1-7, 10, 12-XIII-2, Crisis Core
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Zack Fair
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: Only a few days
25. Favorite muscial instrument: Bass Guitar
1. Game(s) in General: Zelda, Silent Hill and Fire Emblem games
2. FF Game:VII
3. Console(s): Wii, PS3
4. Movie(s): Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
5. TV Show(s): The Big Bang Theory
6. Food: Mac & Cheese
7. Colour: Purple
8. Music: Alternative
9. Place of Travel: Any northern area
1. Other interests and hobbies: Playing Bass, Acoustic, and Keyboard
2. Contact Information: Facebook:
3. Random Facts: I am multi-instrument talented
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