you wouldnt use ur pc's sound card as the xbox already has a sound card in. you need a lead with the following ends to connect normal stereo pc speakers, but you could put it through ur pc's line in channel on ur sound card and u can turn the volume on ur pc speakers thru the mixer in the system tray on windows vista/xp.
the lead should look like this
what ive done with mine is ive got a cinema sound system for my tv, all i do is wire my pc monitor to the xbox and put the 2 phono sound wires in to my cinema system on one of the videochannels and dont put a video lead into it, turn my xbox, cinema system amp and monitor on but leave my tv off and the sound comes thru my 5.1 instead and sounds great. you could easily use the same wires with the vga adapater and wire it to ur hifi amp just the same, or put it thru a scart channel on ur tv and leave it on with no picture for the sound.
to wire ur speakers direct to the xbox get the above leade but instead of a male end on the 3.5 headphone style jack get a female one (this lead is a little harder to find but you can easily find double endded female 3.5 jacks which act as couplers and change male leads to female sockets at the end.
but wiring thru a hifi or cinema system chanel and leaving ur tv off is best bet as u will get banging sound if its a nice bit of kit
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