This will be a quick entry. I just wanted to do a little ranting. So just to catch some of you up real quick, I moved to Rhode Island from Washington state a year ago next month. This blog's purpose is to point out how **** goddamn rude people from Rhode Island are! It's the weirdest **** too because this is just a little tiny state made up of nothing but suburban town after suburban town, and for the most part it's full of nice modest homes with a couple of cars in the drive-way and well manicured lawns. My point? This isn't **** cramped downtown NYC or crazy 405 freeway in crowded Los Angeles where I can understand people being **** because you're surrounded by nothing BUT stress and stressfull people acting like little **** jerks who need to be straightened out! Rhode Island is none of the me. But for some weird reason EVERYONE here is not only rude but act as if they are somehow a freakin' badass too! I miss the Pacific-Northwest because for the most part everyone is polite and generally keeps to themselves. Maybe it has to do with the fact that out in Washington and Oregon you are literally surrounded by natural beauty everyday and that must tend to bring out the "thank you"s, the "you're welcome"s, and the "Hi how are you doing? If there's anything I can help you with, just make sure to give me a holler!" What the **** am I talking about? The retail salespeople out here. I'm used to going into a retail shop and actually being greated by an employee. Now wait real quick before I get started here...I am NOT one of those little **** who wants or expects people working in retail to follow me around or treat me like I am about to drop $5000 on their commission. No! I don't want or expect any of that. I worked in a retail sports shop for a long time when I was younger and so I know what good customer-service is. It's greeting your customer, letting them know that if they need help that you're a just 10ft away, it's letting them look around on their own clock, and when and if they need help...go **** help them...and finally--treat them right when they spend their money because you just received some of that jack yourself. So I walk into a GameStop, and there's this fat **** neocon of a loser sitting behind the counter looking off into space, probably dreaming of a sexual encounter with Sarah Palin with John McCain watching. Well whatever he was thinking about it had him all agro because he gave me a dirty look and couldn't even muster a cheap meaningless greeting. Now I understand why he might have gone into hater-mode upon seeing me walk into his store...I'm a good looking, gun-loving, meat-eating, prone-to-violence, liberal and he's a fat, inside-anger-having, black-hating, women-hating, under-developed, conservative who has esteem so low that he over compensates in everything he does. Case in point, he's an instant **** to any male in my age range (25-35) because he must instantly think that we judge him and his job! Hey look, I can't think of any other reason why he would dis a customer so blatently. So anyway back to my story, my girlfriend and I pick out some games for at the time our new PS3 and take them up to the counter to purchase them. He doesn't say a **** word! Nothing. He grabs the cases for the games, scans them, tells us our total without making eye-contact, waits for the credit-card to go through, rips off our copy, throws it into the bag, and then hands us our **** and proceeds to go back to leaning up against the wall. Total ****er. I went into the other GameStop across town and totally let the area-manager have it (in a polite way--people tend to want to help you when you're NOT a total dickhead) regarding this guy to which she told me that they get complaints about him all the time!! WTF!?!? Here I'll make it simple...FIRE.THE.****.LOSER!
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