I recently watched Casino Royale and I asked myself, 'I wish I could play poker like that!' Now, at this point i felt like a right child of an unmarried couple because the realisation hit me like a drunk rhino that this was a MOVIE...
In a movie, the goodies always win because otherwise the audience doesn't get that warm fuzzy feeling inside and teenage boys have to fill the void some other way, so Bond gets the perfect hand when everyone else is all in? You know what, forget it, it's a great movie, and gabbing on about realism beats the point of a james bond movie somewhat, what i will gab on about is SHAMELESS unrealism
Now cummon, who has a defribulator in the car...seriously, what a complete 'tard:
1. If your heart's stopped, how can you possibly use a defribulator?
2. Why in a car?
3. What was vespa doing, why did she come exactly as he passed out?
4. How are we expected to take a french villan seriously? the tension mounts as we ask him to surrender!
Blah, blah, blah, shut up Jordan, Just watch casino royale...
oh yeah spoilers BTW