So the day i gethalo 3...XBL goes and breaks.
Oh no wait, this is 'scheduled maintenance' that seems to have run overtime...Now XBL has gone really slow, despite it being after the 5.00 GMT deadline, now i havent played since 10.00 last night (from england) so it may have fixed itself, but please MS, if you're going to make a deadline, stick to it...And it's not just me, my friends have had the same problem...
Well, enough rants, I made 2 halo 3 maps, a D-day themed one on High ground that everyone and their dog has made, and a ring of fire type map on epitah. I know i've already mentioned this but i desperately need people to play with on them, My GT is JJpenguin, add me if you have halo and we'll exchange Forges, as it were