Hey gamespot! JKMadu619 here. Feel free to call me JK or JJ. I'm a dude living in canada. I'm 13 and I play alot of video games. I could hold a Play Station controller before I could walk. I'm not very good in Brawling games, often losing unless I stack the handicap mode. I like all sorts of games. From Mario to Pokemon toHalo to Call of Duty
Give me any game you want and I will beat level one in ten minutes. Heck I might even get bonus points. I rember vaugly starting videogames. I played SAGA dreamcast at the time. I only liked two or three games and I was only about three. I rember being four and falling in love with Crash Bandicoot just in time for "Warped 2" and "CTR". Spyro was always there for me, but not the way crash was. Anyways I beat CTR and it became the first on my trophy case which would eventually get 100+ games. Even when I'm busy I have alot of free time for gaming. My first conole that I bought was when I was five I got a GameboyAdvance SP. That was instantly filled with crash and spyro games, and not much else.
Anyways, I like a lot ofRock, Punk, and even a bit of Metal music. I despise country. I usally watch comedy movies. Everything else is too hard for me to follow...
I use Emotes alot. The forums screwed me up.
love to read and have written piles of stories myself.
You've met me, love it or leave it.