As i see it right now there is only one real big flaw in LA Noire. That's the name, doesn't exactly allow for much of a franchise now does it. This game was a lot of fun. Mixed in some of the things from GTA, CSI, and some other stuff. I have no problems saying that i enjoyed everything but the final sequence and that was because there were a few people that needed killing that didn't get it. I honestly can see this game having several sequels much like GTA did.
1. Chicago during proabition(Ok maybe that's been done), can be done during the 70's, 80"s
2. Miami-during the 80's drug craze, Crocket and tubbs style kind of the anti Grand theft Auto
3. New York-Could be done in anytime. There is always a lot of corruption, and stories going on.
4. Maybe Los Angeles just right after with Kelso taking over from a DA investigator point of view, going after people who need it. Or a fresh rookie several years later freshlly home from Korea, later, Vietnam, now Iraq, Afghanistan
Anybody else got any thoughts?
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