Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Jsbigred's Score



Wii Sports


The Legend of Dragoon


Spider-Man 3


Spider-Man (Platinum)

-- --

Resident Evil 4


Resident Evil 2 (UK)


Resident Evil (Value)


Need for Speed: Underground 2


Need for Speed Most Wanted


Need for Speed Carbon


Maximo (PlayStation 2 the Best)


Marvel: Ultimate Alliance


Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel)


King's Field II (PlayStation the Best)

-- --

Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy


Jak II: Renegade


Jak 3


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Gran Turismo 3 A-spec (Platinum)


Gran Turismo 2 (Greatest Hits)


God of War (Greatest Hits)


Final Fantasy XII


Final Fantasy X-2


Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)


Final Fantasy VII


Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi


Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII


BloodRayne 2




BioHazard Outbreak (PlayStation 2 the Best)


Assassin's Creed


Age of Empires


24: The Game
