JTH_22 / Member

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A Few Thoughts On My New Games So Far


Resistance is quite simply one of the best shooters of this gen. and if you own a PS3 it's a must have. Thrilling and fast paced, I love this game. I hope to do a full review soon but for now I'll just leave you with my grade: 9.0 out of 10.


Shallow single player but that's not what UT is all about, it's about multiplayer. Still I don't think it would kill them to add a little more depth to the single player campaign. Overall though this is a fun frantic experience and if you love online team based mp you'll love this game. Overall an 8.0 out of 10 from me.


Neither as bad as the early reviews said (though I played with analog and it wasn't an option for the critics) nor significantly better. Lair is a visually impressive game with moments of fun and exciting action. However the excitement is muted by a targeting system that is painfully inconsistent when dealing with large numbers of enemies and this is especially noticeable when you are charged with taking down a handful of specific enemies (Toros and Rhinos on the bridge anyone?). Anyway I'll try to get a full review up on this soon too but for now I'll give it a 6.5 out of 10.

I haven't played MLB '08: The Show enough to rate it yet.