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All New Top 25 Most Anticipated '08 List

Well I decided to do an all new top 25 list for my most anticipated titles of '08. First off I removed any recently released or soon to be (within the month of March) released titles and added replacements. I also adjusted for new info ect... so it's a largely overhauled list although the top 5 is pretty much untouched. Incase anyone wonders why there's no GTA it's really pretty simple...I'm just not a fan of the GTA series.

1. Gears Of War 2 (11-08 ) (360): Not convinced this will actually make it's '08 release date but as long as it's announced for this year it easily takes the number one spot for me.

2. Fallout 3 (release 9-9-08 ) (Multi)

3. Metal Gear Solid 4 (6-17-08 ) (PS3)

4. Final Fantasy XIII (12-13-08 ) (PS3)

5. Resistance 2 (9-2-08 ) (PS3)

6. Borderlands (Q4 08 ) (Multi) - Returned to the list. The delay was 'til "FY '09" meaning it could still land before the end of '08.

7. Dead Space (10-8-08 ) (Multi) - up 1 spot (4-9-08 )

8. Too Human (5-6-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

9. Fable 2 (late 08 ) (360)

10. Prototype (9-15-08 ) (Multi)

11. Wet (10-1-08 ) (Multi)

12. Ninja Gaiden II (360)

13. Tomb Raider: Underworld (Multi) - Movin' on up due to some recent screens and article on it. Getting my hopes up for it. Up 9 spots. (4-1-08 )

14. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi) - Up 1 spot (4-1-08 )

15. Gran Tuismo 5 (TBA 08 ) (PS3) - Up 1 spot (4-1-08 )

16. Killzone 2 (9-01-08 ) (PS3) - Up 6 spots (4-9-08 )

17. Soul Calibur IV (6-24-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

18. Left 4 Dead (6-18-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

19. Mercenaries 2: World In Flames (8-26-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

20. Fracture (9-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

21. Alone In The Dark (7-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )

22. Haze (PS3) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 ) I'm getting a little concerned about this one with what I've seen from it lately.

23. Midnight Club: L.A. (4-28-08 ) (Multi)

24. NCAA Football '09 (7-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 4 spots (4-1-08 )

25. Halo Wars (7-1-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-1-08 )