Well it's been awhile. I've been so busy between work and home (and ok yes games:P Fallout 3 in particular ) the last few months I've only been on a few times here and there to check news, updates and others' blogs. But I thought I'd drop in for a quick blog to wish everyone a merry Christmas and talk about a couple of things near and dear to me at the moment: Blu-ray and NCAA Football.
I got a couple of sweet deals on some Blu-rays. First and foremost I finally got Iron Man just before Thanksgiving for $19 (I know it was seen for $15 on Black Friday but it was worth $4 not to deal with the crowds :) . I also snagged a 6 for $65.00 deal off Amazon and picked up five James Bond flicks and the best I could do for the 6th was Daredevil Director's Cut (I know I know but I liked Colin Farell's Bullseye even though I don't like Ben Affleck much and it was essentially $11). I got Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl off eBay (just 2 more to go). I also picked up a couple my son wanted for his b-day and Christmas (yep he's a Christmas baby, his 13th is the 22nd): I Am Legend and Transformers (ofcourse I loved those too but they would've waited if he hadn't wanted 'em). I bought my wife the Ten Commandments mini-series on Blu-ray too. So my Blu-ray collection is finally growing, not probably movies at the top of everyone's lists but I like 'em and I got great deals on most of them ($19 is the most I've had to pay and the average is probably around $13-14). Anyway our collection is below (oh and I tried to get these laid out side by side but it did them all vertically for some reason so there's alot of scrolling :x ) and also my rant on the BCS is at the bottom:
Now for my take on the BCS, drumroll please.....it sucks, as in sucks the life and meaning out of championships. I have no vested interest in the top 5 teams (my son is a Gators fan but I can't stand Florida). Basically the Big 12's decision to use BCS ranking to break ties to place teams in the conference championship game is one of the all-time biggest farces in the history of sports. Two teams played head to head and the team that won that match-up is left out in the cold while the team they beat plays for the conference championship and ultimately the National Championship. This has nothing to do with whether it's Oklahoma or Texas I could care less about either but call me old school, it should ALWAYS be settled on the field. Also as for all the talk about Florida going over USC, I hate to say it but they got that one right IMO. How many top 5 teams did USC beat? Yep, exactly (not their fault, the Pac 10 sucks, but they didn't play nearly as difficult a schedule as Florida did). But in the end if we had an eight team playoff (16 will NOT work at this level and has no chance of ever happening) all of this would be moot and it would be decided on the field the way it should be. Also as long as we have the BCS (or for that matter if we had a playoff system) for cryin' out loud quit giving conferences automatic births. I mean seriously how on earth does the winner of the Big East merit a BCS birth?
Well Merry Christmas to everyone and have a safe and fun upcoming holiday.