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Brutal Legend Demo and My Most Anticipated Games for the Rest of '09

Well it's been awhile I've been working alot (which is a good thing) and had little time for Gamespot and playing games (which is a VERY bad thing :P ). Anyway I just got the code for the Brutal Legend Demo for my pre-order from GameStop

and played through it last night. Simply put this game is going to be alot of fun. Jack Black is great and Tim Schafer's quirky story looks like it'll lend itself to some pretty cool gameplay moments. Don't want to ruin it for anyone so I won't give any specifics but I enjoyed the demo.

The next few months are going to be interesting for me in terms of gaming. There are alot of games I'm wanting Oct.-Dec. so I guess my overtime at work will payoff after all :D . Here's the list in order of how much of a "must have" each game is. I'm just doing Oct.-Dec. 2010 is a whole other list I'll hopefully do later.

The rest of '09 looks pretty awesome to me even though alot of games have been delayed 'til '10. That might be for the best
though, at least for my wallet! Good thing my b'day and Christmas fall in this time frame :) . Anyway here are the games that top
my list for Oct.-Dec. '09.

1. Dragon Age: Origins - Easily takes the top spot. Huge RPG by BioWare + top notch voice talent = win!
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - This is shaping up to be even better than the first. Unbelievable!
3. Darksiders - Joe Madureira art and story plus alot of very positive hands-on previews makes this a must have for me.
4. Borderlands - This game just looks like alot of fun to me. So many guns, tons of loot, the 4 player co-op....ect.
5. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Loved the first one (just wish it had been longer) and they added multiplayer, looks awesome.
6. Assassin's Creed II - Looks more diverse than the original and I liked it so....
7. Brutal Legend - Jack Black and killer track list this game just looks like a good time to me.
8. Alpha Protocol - I love the Spy RPG angle on this one.
9. Rogue Warrior - Just found this one recently. Based on a real life Navy Seal Richard Marcinko (the story is fiction).
Mickey Rourke is doing the voice work. This tactical shooter looks promising.
10. God of War Collection - Ok so it's not a new game but I'm really psyched for I & 2 in HD on Bluray, can't wait.

Well the rest of this year is pretty full for me and 2010 looks even better. I'll try to do another list on next years games soon.

I've also been trying to (frugally) add to my Bluray collection. I picked up The Mummy and The Mummy Returns for about $27.00
new for both. So far the most I've paid for a single Bluray movie is $20 (for Iron Man). Heck I've gotta have money for games :P .

Here's my Bluray list so far:
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Iron Man
The Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
I Am Legend
The Mummy
The Mummy Returns

The Punisher

The Fantastic Four


007 Collection

Spider-Man 3