Well 2009 is looking like another great year for gamers. I thought I'd make a list of the top games I'm looking forward to in the
coming year and give out my "awards" for 2008. My list of most anticipated titles includes the system I plan to get each game on.
All of the titles that are must have/day one buys for me are marked with an *.
1. *God of War III (PS3): This game will be phenomenal and since I just recently beat the first game and I'm in the middle of the
second (way late to the party I know) I'm extra pumped for the third installment in Kratos' saga. I consider the first two to be
among the greatest games of all time and expect the third to possibly be the best game this gen, can't wait!
2. *Resident Evil 5 (PS3): Another game I expect to be one of the best of this gen. Everything I've seen so far has me super
excited for Capcom's fifth installment of RE.
3. *Batman: Arkham Asylum (360): This game looks like it could finally be the one that does the Dark Knight justice. It looks so
much darker and grittier than any Batman title to date, sweet!
4. *BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams (360): BioShock is one of my favorite games of this gen so far, I can't wait to see where they take this.
5. *Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360): Left this off originally because I didn't think it had been confirmed for '09 (even though I was certain it would be out in '09 given the series history). The first is one of the best games so far this gen. There's no doubt in my mind this game will be awesome especially sticking with the Modern Warfare theme.
6. Darksiders: Wrath of War (360): Joe Madureira doing this original story and art tells me this game could be a sleeper hit.
7. Alpha Protocol (PS3): Action spy RPG looks very promising.
8. Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (360): It's Riddick and the game looks like it could be awesome. Loved Escape From Butcher's Bay.
9. Uncharted 2 (PS3): The first Uncharted was one of the most cinematic gaming experiences of this gen and the sequel looks
like it could take the gameplay up another notch. Should be great.
10. Killzone 2 (PS3): Looks phenomenal but I'm kind of taking a wait and see as far as the gameplay. Probably won't get it day
one but won't be surprised to find myself buying it after I hear some feedback on it.
11. Bayonetta (PS3): With the director of the first Devil May Cry at the helm this stylized actioner looks fun.
12. Borderlands (360): Not hearing alot about it of late but the unbelieveable amount of customizable weaponry in it could make this game a surprise hit.
13. Heavy Rain (PS3): Seen alot of gorgeous video of this game and as more of the gameplay details become available and some
hands-on time reports come out I wouldn't be surprised to see this one jump up my list.
14. Prototype (360): This one looks like it could be a blast, can't wait to see more gameplay.
15. inFAMOUS (PS3): This one looks to really be shaping up and could end up being a buy for me soon after release.
NOTE: List editied to include Modern Warfare 2
Honorable mention: White Knight Chronicles, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Halo Wars, Wolfenstein, F.E.A.R. 2, Wet
Also here is a list of my favorite things from the world of entertainment for 2008. It was a great year:
Favorite Game of '08: Fallout 3, I just couldn't get enough of adventuring through the wastelands. This game is destined to be one of the best of this gen IMO. Great, great game.
Hon. Mention: Gears 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Dead Space, and Fable II
Favorite Movie of '08: The Dark Knight unbelieveable performances all the way around in this one. Ofcourse most notably Heath Ledger's phenomenal performance as the Joker (Rest In Peace Heath). Iron Man is a close second for me, I waited years for this movie to get made (Iron Man was always my favorite comic growing up) and when it finally came out I couldn't believe how good it turned out!
Hon. Mention: Hancock, Quantum of Solace
Well I guess that's it for now my friends I'm sure there's a game or two I'm forgetting and I'll probably do another list soon, besides a few of these games will be out before we know it and I'll need to update anyway. Peace people.