Well I over did it a little this past week. I bought 4 games for my PS3, they were deals I just couldn't pass up. The first was Unreal Tournament III from Gamefly. I got my new $5.00 off coupon plus I have the 10% off on top of that so since I had been thinking about getting UT III I figured now was the time. Then I found MLB '08: The Show (brand new and sealed), Resistance: Fall of Man, and Lair all from the same seller on eBay so I got a sweet deal on shipping. Now I just have to find the time to play them all :P . I still have one more week before I return to work from my knee surgery, I guess I won't get bored 8) . To top it off I've still got GT 5: Prologue and R & C: ToD rented. Then MGS 4 comes out in June not to mention Iron Man coming in less than a week :shock: . Anybody else ever start on too many games at once? Maybe I need help :P .