JTH_22 / Member

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I'm up too late thanks to Steam!

Well I've had Steam for a while now but hadn't really done anything with it. I've got what I'd call a low-moderate gaming PC GeForce 8400, dual core 2.6ghz processor, 4gb RAM. It fills my needs right now and it's doing great things for me since this Steam sale began. I've picked up the following games during this sale and I've hardly touched my 360 or PS3 the last few days. Oh and I'd like to thank my buddy DethSkematic for talking up Steam awhile back because that's what got me to finally sign up for it, I just wish I'd taken advantage sooner.

Gothic Bundle (includes Gothic II Gold and Gothic 3) these are the only games I'm having any problems with and since my PC exceeds the rec. specs I'd say it's a compatability thing. Hopefully I'll get it lined out.

Broken Sword bundle (include BS II and III): Not bad for point and click gameplay and cartoonish graphics but my son'll get more out of these.

RIP Trilogy: Once again more my son's type of games but ok.

Here's where I really went nuts:

The Witcher Enhanced Edition Director's Cut: I had wanted to play this for so long and finally picked it up for $13 during this sale and let's just say I'm not dissapointed. This is a very good RPG and I can tell it's going to take alot of my time. Geralt is a great charachter IMO.

Indigo Prophecy: Believe it or not I had never gotten around to playing this one until now. I got it off Steam for like $2-3 and that's a steal. The story and charachters are stellar especially for the time it was released. Easy to see how this was the spiritual predecessor to Heavy Rain.

Half-life 2, Half-life 2: The Lost Coast, and Garry's Mod: One of my all-time favorite games but I'd never played it on PC until now and let's just say my love affair with this game has been rekindled. For my money it's one of the greatest games of all-time and I'm enjoying it even more on PC. Garry's Mod I haven't done anything with yet but it looks like a total blast. Got all of these for about $10. An absolute steal.

And now for the reason I'm up so late tonight Thief: Deadly Shadows: Finally I get to play this game after hearing so much about it over the last few years. I got this one for $2.99. And let me tell ya' if you've never played this and you've got Steam there's no reason not to pick this one up. It was really hard to quit for the night but I was wanting to blog my Steam testimonial :P and I was getting a little bleary eyed. This game is phenomenal IMO and now I'm going to be chomping at the bit for the next one like so many others! The best buy I've found to date on Steam.

Well that's it for tonight. The current Steam sale is supposed to end tonight or tomorrow and it's probably a good thing, 'cause I've got enough to keep me busy for many, many hours! Take care my friends!