Well I haven't blogged in forever so I thought I'd just do a little update. First off my son has started taking Tae Kwon Do and is really loving it which is great (until he decides to practice on me :P ). I'm now on a 12 hour schedule at work and in this heat (mid 90's which means well over 100 degrees in the plant :cry: ) it hasn't been alot of fun. The good part of my new schedule is a three day weekend everyother weekend so a little more time for gaming.
As far as games go I've played some really good ones lately. Some quick impressions on some below:
Red Dead Redemption - I absolutely loved it. I'd wanted a wide open old-west type game for a long time and this definitely filled the bill. 9.5 :D
Alan Wake - I just recently finished it and now I'm going for the remaining achievements. IMO this game deserved much more love than it received. It's a great atmospheric survival horror game. 9.0 :D
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - I like it don't love it. It's fun and I'm enjoying it more than the last one though. Haven't finished it yet due to AW and RDR mainly 8.0 :)
Alpha Protocol - I had fairly high hopes for this one but lost faith when EVERY review was coming back bad and cancelled my pre-order. But then I had a chance to get a new/sealed copy for $35 and decided to give it a chance. I'm only slightly less dissapointed than the critics seemed to be. For every good thing (use of RPG elements) there are 2 or 3 bad ones (gun play, stealth mechanics, ect...). I guess Obsidian kind of just rushed this out at the end due to Fallout: New Vegas) 6.5 :(
I also picked up a few games on the cheap recently: Risen (standard technically flawed RPG but I like what little I've played so far), Tropico 3 (haven't touched it yet), and Dirt 2 (had rented it sometime back and really liked it so I jumped on it recently, probably my favorite racer this gen).
A few games I'm psyched for in the coming months (highlighted the definite day one buys):
Bulletstorm, RAGE, Max Payne 3, Crysis 2, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fallout: New Vegas, Fable III, L.A. Noire, Mafia II, Killzone 3, Halo: Reach, Gears 3, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space 2, InFamous 2, Vanquish, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Homefront. The Agency, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, and Quantum Theory.
Wow, guess I need to put in some OT. And I probably missed some.
Well take it easy my friends and GAME ON!