With the new announcements from E3, new trailers, and demos I thought it was only right that I do a new list given the new info. For instance I knew God Of War III was coming but wanted to wait until after E3 to see something more official before puting it in it's rightful place on my most wanted list. I'll still probably get FF XIII on PS3 but I for one think it's great it's going to be on 360 so 360 fans can experience it too, very cool IMO. After watching the E3 Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, and RE 5 trailers and demos I'm beside myself, can't wait (but I'll have to especially for RE 5, March of '09:cry: ). I honestly feel like '08 and beyond will be unbelievable for all console owners. Great time to be a gamer. Heck I may even finally get an Xbox Live Vision Camera (I'll probably just get You're In The Movies,should be a great game for our whole family). InFamous for PS3 was also looking pretty cool, who knows it could make my list in the near future.
Also my son (after much thought) decided to sell his Wii. I know, I know some may think it's crazy but he likes the 360 better and was spending more and more time gaming on it. He used the money to buy a 32" Flat Screen DLP for his room and we moved the 360 in there. He asked if we could do this and I told him if he showed me he really put some thought into it and was sure that's what he wanted to do I would be ok with it. I'm actually proud of the fact that he knows what he wants and really puts alot of thought into a decision like this. So in short we no longer have a Wii.
1. Gears Of War 2 (360) - FPS
2. God Of War III (PS3) - Action
3. Resident Evil 5 (Multi) - Survival Horror
4. Fallout 3 (Multi) - Action RPG
5. Resistance 2 (PS3) - FPS
6. Final Fantasy XIII (MULTI) - RPG
7. Borderlands (Multi) - FPS
8. Dead Space (Multi) - FPS/Horror
9. Prototype (Multi) - Action/Adventure
10. Too Human (360) - Action RPG
11. Siren: Blood Curse (Multi) - Survival Horror
12. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi) - Survival Horror
13. Prince Of Persia (Multi) - Action/Adventure
14. Fable 2 (360) - Action RPG
15. Project Origin (Multi) - FPS