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October: So Many Games I Want. Decisions Decisions

Well Mafia II comes out Tuesday and that's a done deal for me (although I'm still torn between PS3 or 360) and I can't wait. September's pretty cut and dried as we're (my son and I) getting the Halo: Reach Legendary Edition and calling it a month (Dead Rising 2 and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions will (sadly) have to wait. Ah then comes October and the tough decisions. The Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition is the only thing I'm set on for sure after that I'm left to decide between Fable III, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Two Worlds II (I was greatly dissapointed in the first but the sequel appears to be majorly improved), and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Right now for me I've got them in this order:


1. Enslaved - This game looks very interesting to me. Interesting characters and world, varied combat/gameplay elements just looks like alot of fun and all pre-views have seemed very positive so far.

Fable III

2. Fable III - Difficult to decide between this and Enslaved. I know I can lose alot of hours in the Fable universe and I like many of the new elements they've put in for this one such as the weapons being distinctive to you're character and how you play him/her.


3. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Looks amazing to me. Gorgeous, slick combat, fantastic story, and top notch voice cast. Wow, if I end up passing on this it will be painful for me.

two worlds ii

4. Two Worlds II - This game looks miles better than the original so far. If most of what I've seen and read turns out the way it sounds this could be a great way to lose hours upon hours of my time. Can't wait to find out if it lives up to what the pre-views have been saying.

force unleashed II

5. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - I really had a hard time getting into the first for some reason which is why this is at the bottom of this list. Not likely I'll buy it unless I get it from Gamefly and love it enough to use the Keep It option. I love Star Wars but I seem to have a block against new canon ( at least in game form, go figure).

Well that's it. Thankfully my B-day's in October so I'm hoping to get two games from that list (at least) on top of Fallout: New Vegas. Finding the time to play them....oh who am I kidding I'll make the time :P . But seriously my 14yr. old son will probably "help me out" by swapping them back and forth (if he tears himself away from Halo: Reach long enough :P ). The months ahead have some similar "dilemmas" but I guess I'll worry about them once I get past October's. Game on friends!