JTH_22 / Member

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Too Human?

Well I cancelled my Too Human pre-order Monday. I don't base game purchases on reviews generally but after getting burned by Haze and seeing the incredibly mixed reviews for Too Human I decided not to risk my $60. It wasn't so much the scores as it was the faults named in most of the reviews, the pacing and length in particular. With emptiness between battles and the game only being approx. 10 hrs. long I just decided to spend my money on more of a sure thing, The Orange Box for the 360 (and put the rest on other reserves). I'm sure I'll still at least rent Too Human but with so many potentially great games coming I want to be sure before I put down my hard earned cash.

I think it was a good decision since I got The Orange Box for about $24.00 and Portal has proven to be all it was said to be. I'd already played Half-Life 2 which is why I waited so long to get it but I'm already happy with the purchase.

Well that's all for now my friends. If anyone has played Too Human I look forward to seeing what you think of it, let me know.