JTH_22 / Member

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Top Honorable Mention Titles

Just a quick blog to post some games that are definitely getting my attention even though they aren't in my top 15 yet.


This game looks promising. I like the premise.

Tomb Raider: Underworld

HD Lara Croft, what's not to like. The Tomb Raider games seem to be pulling out of their slump lately and I'm hoping this one really puts the series back on top.

Call of Duty: Wold at War

Back to WW II, we'll see. I loved CoD 4 and was kind of hoping for it to stick to the modern theme but what I've seen so far looks promising.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Fusion

The first was alot of fun for me and my son playing co-op. The added game mechanic of combining/fusing powers should make a great concept even better.


This game looks like it could be the first truly MASSIVE on-line shooter. A ton of potential here. Can't wait to see more.

Alan Wake

Will it ever get here? This game sounds so promising but when will we ever see it?

Well that's it for now friends. I know it's not much but I've been busy with Orange Box when life isn't calling so I haven't spent much time on here but wanted to put these games up and see if any of you are keeping an eye on these titles as well. Peace!