Well here's a new list. Siren: Blood Curse has moved up a couple of spots based on the demo I played and I added Prince Of Persia which looks really promising. Also RE 5 has been bumped up to 3rd (I'm just getting really psyched for this game). My top 7 games are pretty much guaranteed buys, the rest we'll see, it'd be great if I could buy 'em all :D .
Donations are appreciated :P . Take care my friends.
1. Gears Of War 2 (360) - FPS
2. Resident Evil 5 (Multi) - Survival Horror
3. Fallout 3 (Multi) - Action RPG
4. Resistance 2 (PS3) - FPS
5. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - RPG
6. Borderlands (Multi) - FPS
7. Dead Space (Multi) - FPS/Horror
8. Prototype (Multi) - Action/Adventure
9. Too Human (360) - Action RPG
10. Siren: Blood Curse (Multi) - Survival Horror
11. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi) - Survival Horror
12. Prince Of Persia (Multi) - Action/Adventure
13. Wet (Multi) - Action
14. Fable 2 (360) - Action RPG
15. Project Origin (Multi) - FPS