The ability for you to be able to interact with those franchises on a free-to-play basis is going to be part-and-parcel with every major franchise we do now," Moore said. "And that's very important to Electronic Arts."
I didn't misunderstand this: He said flat out "free-to-play is going to be part of EVERY major franchise we do now." Now he's saying that isn't the case and people misundertood him.
"I also CREATED confusion about our plans for free to play games." There fixed that for you Mr. Moore. Funny how these guys don't seem to be able to take responsibility for their own statements. Everyone always "misundertood" them.
@PheasantSupreme @JTH_22 Good lord. Really??? Where did I say it got trashed? I said Lair got trashed. I'm talking about the overreaction to the review. Unbelievable I have to explain this.
@mirage_so3 @JTH_22 Ummm I'm not "trying to show that bastard" anything I'm just making the point there's no sense in getting all bent out of shape over one review. Over-react much?
I wonder if Sony is going to send McShea a "Last of Us Reviewer's Guide" like they sent out to all the critics after Lair got trashed, lol ? Seriously though why even care about this review? The game is scoring monster numbers practically everywhere else, it looks amazing, I'm getting it next week regardless.
@EL_Bomberdor Whether Sony pays for reviews or gives any other incentives to game critics is something I don't know for sure and neither do you. But I do know Sony has been known to attack negative reviews and critics of some of their games. Lair was a great example, Sony sent out a "Lair reviewer's guide" after Lair was widely blasted by critics and claimed they didn't know "how to review" the game. Who does that seriously? Just sayin' all this "Sony are saints and Microsoft is the devil" type comments are hilarious. Either way The Last of Us looks amazing and I can't wait to pick it up the 14th.
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