I am new to these forums, but I figured what I wanted would be in this forum and this forum only. Well, I own a Xbox 360 and have a pretty good assortment of games...and I also have Xbox Live. So, therefore, I have the ability to play online. Lately, I have been getting overly bored with most of my games and sometimes online play. So, I came to this forum for y'alls opinion. I am a little tired of playing online, and I am looking for a good RPG(more Oblivion type RPG not like Final Fantasy) or something that will last me a long time. Right now, I have Oblivion (about 500 hours on it), Halo 3 (boring), Call of Duty 2, 3, and 4, Assassins Creed, Lord of the Rings Conquest, GRAW, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Orange Box, Ace Combat 6, FIFA 08, NBA Live 08, NCAA Football 08, and Madden 07. I have achieved as high as I want to go in the online play in them, and the sports games tend to bore me a little bit. All the campaigns have been beat on the highest level, so there isn't much competition in it. I have been looking at Left 4 Dead, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and Mirror's Edge. I would go out and buy Fable 2, but I am slightly offended by what they put in the game gay marriage). I have also looked at Mass Effect or Crackdown, more Mass Effect than Crackdown, and I have heard that Mass Effect is a little buggy at some times, but I might end up going with it. Please tell me what y'all think...I would be interested in hearing. Thanks, -JTuck-
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