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Eragon and my opinion

I went an saw Eragon tonight, and funny as  it is  it made me think about how honor and purpose of life is nothing like it used to be. I hope things change for us but that takes generations. Anyway the movie was pretty good, you just need to let yourself  into the world of the dragons and magic.

My car took @%^&

Well my oil seal went out on my car and the oil leaked out, it was just a slow leak and I was going to get it fixed when I got the money. Well on my way home on monday I started hearing a knocking under the hood. So I pulled over and was going to walk to the gasstation to get some oil but when I tried to re-start my car it would not turn over. So I had one of the guys from my work look at it and what do you know the engine is froze up. Well being as rich as I am I dont have the money for a new car or even a down payment (thank you ex-wife). So I made a deal with a guy at work to buy his van and I can use my HD TV as a down payment. It breaks my heart to let that tv go. I will be playing my 360 on a SD TV until I can come up with the money for a new TV. They really hit it on the head when they say "when it rains, It pours". 

Rainbow 6 vegas.

Well I just picked up Rainbow 6 yesterday and I must say it is better then my first impression of it. When I played the multi-player on marketplace, I was not impressed with the graphics at all. It seems that they are trying to prove that graphics are not everything. Well now that I played the full version of the game I must say, this game has some good potential. The face masking is not to bad but it did take me a few 2 trys to get the face masking down. Then the games team death match is not bad as well . you can still repel off the sides of buildings and use all the features that single player offers, unlike some games I know like GRAW. This game is a buy  to me but it wont be the game I will play the most but that is my own opinion.

The Titantic Sunk

Well we ended up loosing the Tournament but we did try our best. I hope that it was more or less that we were over confident and that our tactic fell apart not by myself our two other members that I play with. Well it is time to move on to bigger and better things and leave this in the past.

Top 10 played game list for Xbox live for this week

Here is the list of the top live game this week (taken off of Major Nelsons blog)

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (UU’s)
1  Gears of War
2  Call Of Duty 3
3  Small Arms
4  LOST PLANET OnlineDemo
6  Madden NFL 07
7  Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
8  Rainbow Six Vegas Multi Player Demo
9  Call of Duty 2
10  Oblivion

Fragophobia Turnament

Well today is the day I have may first offical Turnament match. I am kinda worried about letting my fello members down but I know I will do my best and support them the best I can. We do have a good team going and we have not lost a match online yet. We have practiced is most senrios that we can think of. Myself and Seraph went two on 4 the other night and we moped the floor with the other team. I am pretty sure the team we have now will do good. If we do win this turnament maybe we can stick together for the next one that comes out.