ah, what the hell. might as well loosen up my creative side and bust out a blog.
okay, what up peoples. my name is jason i live in canada and got my xbox 360 for christmas.
I have 6 games (retail) and three free Live ones. I also have xbox live, which i love.
My friends Sam and Brent (both have live) told me to get Call of duty 4 to play with them. Starting off from the mere level 1, i worked my way up to prestige mode and now sit at level 30 of the first prestige mode.
Ill explain how i play: first of all, i LOOOOVE challenges. Like achievements, but awesome...er i like to spread out my gun usage to win as many challenged as possible.
As of today, i played all Search and Destroy matches. I am at 14/15 throught Serach and Destroy level 2. Only 100 exp, so I cant be too excited, but still.
My favourite guns are full-automatics, like assault rifles, SMG's and to a lesser extent, LMG's.
I like to use shot guns, or the auto-shotty, on Vacant, but other wise i stick to machine guns or rifles.
Oh, and i HATE sniping and never do it. In fact i dont even have a sniping spot in my create a class.
Today... I played some games with some cool british clan guys "BLAD". I actually was on the opposing team most of the time, but they werent being asses even when i killed em all.
Since i am majorly sick (with a cold) i didnt play that much, about an hour. look for more soon, when i get something better done