Hereare some of my First Impressions of the E3 shooters
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patroits-PS3
Did that not look awesome! The way this game looks is stunning! The way it will play will probably be even better. Last week at E3, during the Sony Press Conference, we sat there for 15 minutes watching the MGS4 trailer unfold. That was when we were first introduced to what is supposed to be the final game in the MGS franchise. This game looks amazing. This past Tuesday however, the game was demoed, and we got to see what it will be like to play. Let me just say this, believe it, its not a cutscene. It was stunning. The particle affects the graphics all together, amazing. You can read about that demo by going to the MGS4 page on Gamespot.
Currently this game is only for the PS3, but it sounds like an exclusive release title to me, but I guess its not. HUMPH. Still, this game is a reason to get a PS3 if you don't currently own one, this and the impressive lineup that Sony has put out for us this year.
I personally am really excited about this game. It will be a buy for me once I get my PS3. I am a fan of the series and really am anticipating this game. I have for a long time. I know that Hideao Kojima will not let us down in this final installment. My first impressions of this game are really good. Looks like we'll be playing this game early next year.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare-PS3-360-PC
Nazis oh wait, I'm sorry those weren't Nazis for once they were Russian baddies out to kill us. We are now moving forward from the bleak looks of Germany in the early forties, to the scenes of modern day Russia and the Middle East. This game has nothing to do with Nazis, or Hitler or anything form WWII. Instead in this game you're fighting the Russians who else. I personally don't know alot about this story line thus far, if you do feel free to post. All I know is that this game looks awesome and has little to nothing to do with Hitler Doesn't that just make everyone happy!
If you still have the WWII itch to scratch and if you do you might want to get checked for exmia, play Medal of Honor Airborne. This game has nothing to do with that. Thank god. If you look at this game in a better quality video, and this one is pretty good, you see all of this amazing awesomeness that has become of this game. On G4TV this E3, I got to watch a gameplay video of this game. WOW! Instead of simple death graphics, if you're shot in the knees, you go out by the knees. If you're shot in the head, you go down by the head! It looks so cool!
You can check out more gameplay videos, and read more articles on this game by visiting the Call of Duty 4 page on Gamespot. My first impressions of this game are at, if not above my expectations of MGS4. The best part is, we can expect this game in winter of this year.
Medal of Honor: Airbourne-PS3-360-PC
Alright, that looked... okay. However it is still a FPS WWII shooter. Now believe me when I say I have the utmost respect for all who served in that war, but I am tired of reliving it over, and over, and over, and over, again on my TV screen. You know, it's just not worth it. I really don't have a lot to say about this game besides, it's another WWII shooter, and the only innovation is that you get to jump form the plane and land anywhere in the battlefield. Which is great, but with CoD4 right around the corner, don't waste your time with this one, if you have to play it though, rent it from some place like gamefly, or your local store.
My first impressions of this game are, HUH, WHATEVER, been there done that, it's just not exciting. Post your opinions; please tell me how you feel. We can expect this game on August 27, 2007.
Army of Two-PS3-360
There you go, that was Army of Two. Now I'm not so sure about this game. It's entirely based on co-op multiplayer, online and off, I'm guessing. However, this game just looks good, it would be fun, yes, to play a game with my friend, online, or off and this may be the beginning of a new genre. Entirely multiplayer based games. The trailer is a little goofy, they seem like brothers to me, which is okay, but I would of liked to see some I guess you could say some more serious content in this game.
I think this game will appeal to many people, because it does look kind of fun. My first impressions of this game are good, and I really am impressed at thequality of the footage this game has given us so far. We can expect to play this game later this year.
Mass Effect-360
This game looks really nice. I am definately getting this game, oh my gosh. The whole idea of this game is great, finally a game where what you do can really effect the story line instead of it being a linear story where nothing effects anything else. You can actully control what you say too. That is a great idea, and did I mention this game looks really good. Honestly, Mass Effect was so close to beating Halo 3 for me. Halo just has too much of a build up for me.
This game is a exclusive for the 360, so we PS3 users, too bad. However with games such as MGS4, Killzone 2, and Cod4, we will live. This games first impression for me is really good. Because, I think I mentioned it, it looks really good. It also has many new freatures such as the ability to control the fact that you talk. This game is getting alot of buzz, so we will be able to keep it in our minds. We can play Mass Effect November of this year.
Halo 3-360
....... Oh what I'm sorry i was just stunned. Again. Wow! Look at that! I haven't played that game yet, and I feel like I am in that game! It looks great! I am really not suprised it looks that good though. It was expected to, and it did. That is the first next-gen Halo game, and it's the last in the series. Okay, to be honest, I really am not as excited about that game as I am about Killzone 2, but you can post your opinions here.
This game will probably not have online co-op multiplayer. Aleast that is what Bungee has announced so far, and that will make people upset, innevebatly. Of course. Well I'm excited about this game none the less. We have known this game was coming for about a year now, and the buzz has been up and down for it, with the beta and everything but whatever. This game just looks good, and I'm excited to "see our earth's surface burn until its but glass". Or at least the floors of your game providers floors burn form the rush of Halo lovers to see this game. Post your opinions.
My first impressions of this game are really good, less that Killzone 2, but still good. This game is a 360 exclusive, and we will be playing it September 25, 2007.
Killzone 2-PS3
HOLY CRAP! That is the most anticipatedshooter of E3 for me. I loved the first Killzone and when I saw this trailer I just about screamed! Look at those graphics, and look at that explosion! Wow! This will be a game for me to play for a while. The only problemI have with this game so far is the fact that we won't be playing this until next year! However, I can live with that, I need this game. I love the way this game looks so far, it's beautiful. Great looking, and definately better than Halo for me so far.
This is a PS3 exclusive title, and so was Killzone. This is yet another reason why I have choosen to get a PS3 as my primary console for this next-gen era. Again we won't be playing this until next year. Looks like I'll just have to play CoD4 unitl we get this game! My first impressions are, well obviously, really really good. Hopefully we will be playing this soon next year!
Mercenaries 2:World in Flames-PS2-PS3-360-PC
Okay, I really don't have alot to say about this game. I really love Mercenaries, and this game looks cool. That wasn't a real trailer, I couldn't find one, so enjoy it. Post your opinions on this game.
Okay, I know I forgot alot of shooters, post your comments, and I may do a part two to the First Impressions-E3 shooters.
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