So yeah, I finally got enough extra money to afford a new game. As the title states, I decided to go with Dragon Quest 4 on the DS. I think some old school RPGing was exactly what I needed. I don't regret choosing it. I'm trying not to obsessively play it, to make the game last. But it's hard, especially since my PS2 is currently out of operations.
Here's the story: about 3 months ago, I loaned my PS2 to my sister because she wanted to play Persona 4. I give it to her for about two weeks. After I get it back and set it up, the picture won't show up on the TV. So I examine itnotice a small cut on the audio/video cable, which goes down into the wire. I tape it up and it works, with picture occasionally going in and out. About a week ago it decided to go out for good. So need a new A/V cable. There's a game store downtown here in Lawrence that I know sells them, but I don't have the extra cash for it. Unfortunately, this happened after I got my DQ game. So the PS2 is out for the time being. On a side note, my sister denies that she caused the cut, saying that it was already there. I'm pretty sure it wasn't, but I have no proof that she caused it.
It's not too bad having the PS2 out though. I just fill that gaming time with TV shows on DVD. I'm back in the thick of it, getting at least two shows a week from the library. As stated in the title, the show I'm currently watching is Lost.(well, I'm also doing Battlestar Gallactica, but I'm using my sister's netflix account for that, so I don't have to wait. I'm so gald I made her a fan) The best word I think to describe Lost is: BLAND. It's just very bland. The mystery and suspense elements are grade A, but how hard is it to do those kind of things well? I could name other shows that do mystery/suspense well.(Carnivale comes to mind) Everything else in the show comes off as being very so-so. They try to create a lot of character moments, but the all end up feeling very contrived; done only in an effort to advance their own mythology, instead of letting the characters change on their own. I wouldn't call Lost a bad show, mainly just mediocre. I don't watch it and hate it, at least not yet.
Anyways, that's about all a got at the current moment. I'm going to call My sister to see when she's coming down to watch BSG, and while I wait I'm going to play some DQ and listen to the new Camera Obscura album. Good Day.