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No posts lately... +Unions

I haven't posted in a little while, mostly because I don't really have much to talk about. Despite the fact that I've gotten several new games. ....So why don't I start there?

I picked up Pirates! a little while ago, and like Civilization, I found it extremely addictive once I started getting into it. It felt like I was sailing my ship on a giant map from that time period. My thing with these games though, is that they don't end up holding my attention for too long of a time. They're fun to play while I'm playing them, but since I son't tend to delve to deeply into the more hardcore aspects of these types of games(the micromanagement of cities, troops, or etc; or the intricacies of trading goods and whatnot), I don't really get too attached to them.

More up my alley is Fallout 3. This is another near recent acquisition, and I'm getting pretty deeply involved in it. I've stated previously about my love of a well crafted post-apocalyptia, and this one definitely doesn't disappoint. I understand that the mix of '50's retro pastiche with futuristic sci-fi is a bit gimmicky, but it doesn't change how awesome it felt to be listening to Billy Holiday while in the midst of an intense firefight.

One complaint though is that said soundtrack seems to be a little too small. I've already heard all of the tracks several times over, and I'm not really that close to finishing the game. It could have done with about 10 more tracks.

....There have been talks of new unions being formed lately, which got me thinking about creating my own union. I've mostly avoided this, mostly because of my inability to come up with some kind of unifying idea to base the union upon, or at least not any that I think would be interesting at least.

Though I think I may have one now. I've always been a fan of reading lists(see: below 1, here, and here). But as much as I love list reading, I can barely manage to make the easiest of lists. My mind gets clogged up, and outside of about three titles, I fall short. I started thinking, though, that lists could be, and maybe should be, a communal affair. You come up with a topic, then with the help of others, talk about about possible inclusions for the list and come to an agreed result.

So I guess they idea of the union would be to, on a weekly basis, come up with a topic, discuss, and create a Top Ten List(this is just an easy moniker, as the list could include more inclusions than ten, and does not necessarily have to be a 'best of' type listing; see below 2).

So...I think this could work, possibly. I'm actually probably going to try starting it in a few hours. ...What, you thought I was going to wait for your approval?

EDIT: Turns out, in the end, I DO need your approval. Shucks.

It's seems that, for some reason, these links are being listed as not being valid(????). So just copy and paste as needed.

