Tonight was quite the fun night. My roommate and friend has been out of the country in Europe(he went to Britian and Berlin for those interested) and he finally got back in town. Both of us are not the most social of types; most people will have 2 or 3 good friends, we only really are good friends with each other. We have other friends, but not as close as we are. I've realized how much I missed the dynamic that we have with each other. Ahh, what fun.
BUT I DIGRESS!!! We went out on the town in Kansas City tonight, driving around and catching up with each other about things. The night out was mainly as a belated birthday gift for his girlfriend, who had had her 21 birthday while he was away. She fancies herself an amatuer drummer, so he got her a new drumming part(I'm not a drummer, and was poor at remembering what did what. A snare, right?) He took her out for a meal in the mexican neighborhood her in town, then took her to a casino.(she wanted to see how sad they are for herself) We then went back to her place for a while to relax.
BUT I DIGRESS!!! It was wierd to take such a long break from playing games. my friend is not a fan of video games at all, outside of uber casual games like breakout, or mario party. We had a stint where we played a lot of mario kart, but thaqt was weird for him. Anyways... so naturally, with not as many people to really interest me and take up my time, I started spending more game time than usual. so to spend a whole day back on par with having only two or three hours of games was a little strange.
BUT I DIGRESS!!! ...wait what was I digressing to? Was that in the topic? Wait, let me check. ..... Damn, nothing about digressing, or what I'm digressing to for that matter. Hmmmm.. You know, It'ld be nice if the topic line actually sort of represented what this was about, in a fun and clever way that's not often seen in blog entries. It would be amusing whilst saying exactly what the writing was about. They would no immediatly whether the blog topic was of anything of interest to them, while being intrigued if interested to know more.
BUT I DIGRESS!!!I know that digress is a verb, but is a physical action to represent it? Can you go through the act of digressing? Wait, yeah, you can. And there are a lot of verbs that are non physical. What a stupid thing to regress to. ....Wordplay. Ahh how I love. Wait, was that wordplay?
BUT I DIGRESS!!! I still don't feel like I've caught up with the new games that are coming out, ever since I missed E3. I feel like all of the news and talk are about games that I know nothing about. I'm sort of afraid this way, something I care about might be released and forgotten about without me knowing about it. And I'll miss it completely. Or maybe it's just that all news and talk are about things that I care nothing about.
BUt I DIGRESS!!!(In which I digress to the Dimension Of Digressing, where everything is perpetually and always in the act of digressing, where digressing spirals onward into an infinite state of digressing, the endless stairwell of digression, where statements move endlessly forward towards being on topic, yet never reach it) Wait, whaaaaaaat?
BUT I DIGRESS!!! So yeah, uh, exhausted jokes and everything aside, I've been playing FF9 and am almost done with it. This replay actually surprised me. The story was way more character based than I had previously thought that it was. Character based stories are always better than stories that are plot based. Character stories are different than plot based stories. Character stories fill stories with character based moments that, while not important for the overall plot of the story. For example, in FF9, there is no plot reason to have the subplot with Vivi and the black mages realizing that they will die. It has no acuall bearing on the main story as a whole. It creates density for the character of Vivi. We emotions and reactions that we can relate to. This moment has an effect on only the character. Of course this change elicits a character response from Zidane, which builds upon his character, so that when a plot moment later changes him,(again, in way that we can understand) and he turns against, and insults Vivi, it has an added weight behind it. You see, the best stories weave the two together.
BUT I DIGRESS!!! -sigh- Okay, so this blog post is a little epic in length? Well, what was I supposed to do? It's late and I'm unable to go to sleep. I already skimmed the main forums, looking for something that may interest me.(I found little; one thing you can count on: the Gamespot forums to have less interesting topics than dumb ones) I checked out all of the news I could. I'm bored, unable to sleep, really want to right something, a little baked, and have tons of summer blog thoughts that I wasn't able to get out. What would you do?