There will never be a better Wolfenstein game than Return To Castle Wolfenstein. I am sorry but I found the last two games a complete disappointment (even though TNO was better than W2009) and this one may or may not be any better, the games lost their original magic since Bethesda acquired them and changed their direction considerably. I am not saying the new games are bad but they should be under another name.
I'm pretty sure New Vegas was the best as far as the 3D games are concerned. Also you can't say FO3 blew the first two games away, that is a dumb thing to say, they may be old and 2D but that doesn't mean they are bad and they were much more complex and engrossing for what they were. Fallout 4 was a huge step backwards from all the games including the first two, it was not the way a Fallout game should be and would've done better under a different name.
J_P-'s comments